Photography Slideshow: H’s trip from Jakarta, Java, Indonesia to Bekasi was created by TripAdvisor. See another Bekasi slideshow. Create your own stunning free slideshow from your travel photos.
Selasa, 06 September 2011
Senin, 22 Agustus 2011
Alien Skin
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Download |
- Setelah di download Extract file tersebut ke dalam folder baru setelah selesai di Extract copy dan paste ke dalam plugin photoshop anda.
- Lalu buka photoshop anda dan lihat di filter
Selasa, 02 Agustus 2011
Kamis, 21 Juli 2011
Dynamic Photo HDR 4.6
HDR fotografi dapat dibuat dengan beberapa foto dengan eksposur yang berbeda, kemudian menggabungkan mereka ke dalam perangkat lunak yang tinggi file dinamis.
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Fitur :
Mudah memahami perangkat lunak dengan pratinjau super cepat
Powerfull otomatis deretan, Manual atau otomatis Assisst deretan foto dengan Pin Warping inovatif yang dapat benar semua jenis misalignment, termasuk kamera roll dan pitch
Anti-ghosting masker yang sepenuhnya dapat menghilangkan ghosting dari benda bergerak
Berbagai nada prosedur pemetaan yang dapat membuat seluruh jajaran foto - foto dari warna halus untuk pemetaan sangat gambar dramatis
Muat dan menyimpan file HDR
Bekerja dengan kamera format RAW
Dukungan untuk foto Panoramic 360
Pemrosesan Batch untuk menambahkan foto ke antrian dan kemudian proses sekaligus
Live HDR pratinjau selama berbagai langkah, Anda dapat melihat pratinjau gambar tonemapped bahkan sebelum Anda membuat HDR
Dynamic Foto HDR telah membangun beberapa sangat menarik dalam penyaring-Orton Efek atau membuat mata B / W foto.
Anda dapat menggunakan proses Pseudo HDR baru pada satu sumber 8-bit
Real-time Light Tuner akan membiarkan Anda mengubah nada-mapping efek umpan balik dan melihat hasil segera memindahkan cahaya matahari, tanpa perhitungan
Membuat fine-tuned Hitam Putih gambar dengan B / W saluran Mixer
anyak efek seperti skets atau Mysterious cahaya.
Koreksi Warna Kelvin menggunakan parameter dengan melihat tabel.
Pencocokan Warna akan memungkinkan Anda untuk tonemapped baru sesuai dengan gambar yang lain untuk foto atau lukisan.
Yang terbaru di versi 4.6 :
Baru Halo Matix Lokal - operator untuk menghasilkan gaya akrab dipetakan tone-gambar dengan banyak variasi dan pengaturan.
Light Paint - berlaku Dynamic Light di mana Anda inginkan dengan menggunakan kuas
Editor Posting (versi Win) - untuk semua gambar dasar umum sentuhan dan efek tone (juga mendukung plug-in adobe).
Salin data Exif dari file asli dan menciptakan EXIF baru Miniatur (melalui Post-Editor)
Live Preview - sekarang Anda melihat gambar realtime umpan balik ketika slider bergerak
Enhanced browser Cepat dukungan untuk file RAW
Raw Gamma / WB Pilihan ditambahkan dalam membuat HDR Baru
OS : Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista
Produsen : Mediachance
Ukuran : 16,5 MB
Adobe Photoshop lightroom 1.1 pro
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Adobe Photoshop Lightroom - program, which is essential for today's digital photography workflow. Now it is quite likely quickly perform actions on the import, processing and display images and more for their management - one shot, and for a series of shots. Enhanced correction tools, powerful features and it is likely flexible settings for print speeds up the process work. Using Photoshop Lightroom can reduce the time spent at the computer, and iztratit free time to work with the lens.
Opportunities Lightroom:
"The upgraded integration with Photoshop CS5
"Support for multiple monitors
Support for 64-bit processing
"Improved tools for organizing a collection of photos
"Non-destructive editing photos
"Managing and organizing photos on multiple disks
"Extensible architecture program with plugins
"Brush Tool local phase adjustment photos
"Batch processing of images
"Auto Enhance clarity during export, print and Internet
Language: ML
OS: Microsoft Windows 2000, XP, Vista and Seven
Atau disini :
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Download UNTUK KAYGENnya Gan langsung kirim pesan ke FACEBOOK ane ja ,,,,, |
Adobe Photoshop CS4 Portable
Tentunya kita semua tahu program editor gambar yang keren dan bagus di lingkungan Windows, Adobe Photoshop CS4, untuk menginstal di komputer kita mungkin harus membeli lisensinya atau mencari crack nya di internet, belum lagi mendownload programnya yang filenya gede dan besar.
Ini ada program Adobe Phoshop CS4 portable jadi tidak memerlukan instalasi, bisa di simpan di flashdisk dan dibawa kemana-mana.
Silahkan : download Adobe Photoshop CS4 PortableKamis, 17 Februari 2011
Web Design for My Chemical Romance Rock Band
We also need a My Chemical Romance logo. Go to and please press print screen for the logo.
Alright, here we go. Let’s open your Photoshop, and I am now using Photoshop CS3 for the tutorial :-)
Step 1: processing My Chemical Romance logo.
Open your have-just-print-screen logo, and double click on the Background [layer panel] to make it become a layer.
Then, use Polygonal Lasso Tool to select the Logo area (just like you take a sissor and cut in real life)
like this..
then cut it..
after that, choose Magic Wand Tool to select the black background surrounding the logo, and delete it.
Note: you will need to uncheck the ’Contigous’ option, by do it that way, your Magic Wand is able to select all the black areas.
In order to make your selection edge smoothly, let’s go to Select > Modify > Feather
A smooth selection edge @ 0.5 pixel might be good enough.
In the end, you should have something like this..
Step 2: Make the logo rusty :-D
Use your previous download artwork
And drag it over the logo layer..
Okie, we are starting to do some magic here! Make sure that the rusty image is right over the logo layer, and no layer else is in between.
Right click on the Rusty Layer [on Layer panel], and choose ’Create Clipping Mask’.
The result should be..
Now you can move the Rusty layer to cover all the logo, scale it if possible.
Once you are satisfy with your Rusty Layer, let’s link these 2 layer together, so when you move 1 layer, the other follows accordingly.
NOTE: Clipping Mask is mainly used in this tutorial, so make sure that you get use to it at the begining.
Okie, the logo is ready. We move to the next step.
Step 3: Create the canvas for your design.
Make a new Photoshop Document, with the width @ 1280px, and height @ 900px.
The above resolution is based on my screen, you can change it to you screen.
Double click to the Background [on the Layer panel] to make it become a layer.
Then, go to that Layer Property, by double click over the layer [on Layer panel]. A box opens.
Select ’Gradient Overlay’.
Change the gradient from 100% Black to deep Grey.
Then drag-and-drop the logo you made before, into the document.
Drag the Square paper into the document..
Give the Square Paper some shadoe to make it look like 3D.
Then drag the scratched wall into the place..
Once again, we gonna do the ’Clipping Mask’. Make sure the Scratched Wall layer is right onto the Square Paper layer.
Then, right click on the Scratched Wall and choose ’Create Clipping Mask’
And you have..
(let’s play with some color adjustment to make the wall darker)
Step 4: add identity object to the layout, to create the look and feel.
Darkness and Mystery remind to some crime, so let put a finger index, that image often apears in crime movie ;-))
Then choose ’Darken’ blend mode, and adjust the Opacity for the Finger Index layer.
and you get this..
Next, add a paper for information, like introduction text.
Give the Paper layer some shadow..
Add some text.. Use ’serif’ font for reminding of the old time.
For the Gallery Show, we would put some frames, let’s say six frame, a special number.
Dellete the white space..
Because of the pale style, we will decrease the saturation of object’s colors.
Then duplicate one Frame into six..
Now, add the content to these frame..
These pictures can be download from music sites, or you can put your own photos. They will the thumbnails.
Resize the photo to fit in the frame..
Do similar to the rest..
Alright, what make you think of My Chemical Romance, I am talking about Brand Indentity here.
They alway use a symbol in most of their shows and website – the Fleur-De-Lis symbol.
The above decor will be the scroll bar.
Put some a music machine and a microphone..
Next, create a place to post a big photo of My Chemical Romance, big avatar.
Draw a rectangle shape..
Then rasterise the shape into bitmap..
Create a blur edge to bring a mood of mistery.
Select a smaller rectagle, then go to Select > Modify > Feather.
Choose the Feather of 8..
Then cut the Rectangle, and delete the extra part.
Drag a big photo of My Chemical Romance into the scene..
Here we go to another problem needed to solve. If you use a high resolution photo, needless to care about quality; However, most of the photos over the Internet have been compressed strongly due to the bandwidth.
I show you how to enhance a low/avarage photo into a good one, with just a few clicks.
For this task, I used Topaz Vivacity filter | a thirt-party Photoshop Plug-in.
After install the Plug-in, you would see like that..
This plug-in is time-saver, I’ll say ;-)
Then choose the photo as ’Clipping Mask’ and you have..
Alright, just a few step away, and we finish the artwork.
Add the last object, the metalic panel.
Change the color of the Metal Panel into yellow orange..
Make it pale..
Add some text over it.. (that could be your name.)
Finally, add some black blood by using blood brush (download here OR you can find and download these brush on Interner, it’s pretty easy to find, just google them.)
Hey yaa, our artwork is done !!!!
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